For the Z generation (Gen Z) - young people born in the digital age - using savings support applications is not only a trend but also a lifestyle and cannot be denied. 

Savings, Convenience, and Smartness

Gen Z are not simply consumers, they are pioneers in finding ways to save money every time they shop. With the "ting ting" receiving application, saving becomes easier and more convenient than ever. With just a few clicks, they can get back a portion of the money they spend every time they shop. 

Flexibility and Diversity 

Savings apps have now expanded at shops and supermarkets. This creates a great deal of flexibility for Gen Z, allowing them to save not only when shopping online but also when shopping in-store. 

Social Interaction and Community Outreach 

Gen Z demands a unique shopping experience and social interaction. By sharing the app to get “slots” and incentives with friends and family, they not only save money but also create a smart and frugal shopping community. 

With savings applications, Gen Z not only saves money every time they shop but also shows intelligence and positivity in personal financial management. It is a true trend of the digital age.